No One Can Serve Two Masters - Nov 7, 2015
ilNov “No one can serve two masters….You cannot Serve god and money…” Dear Brothers and sister in Christ Jesus, the reading of the day especially the gospel is very thought provoking. We come across an interesting debate here about wealth. (Lk 16, 9-15 & Rom 16, 3-9, 22-27) In the Context of the gospel, in the context of the Luckan Community we do understand that wealth brought about a kind of a division or discrimination between rich and the poor between HAVE’s and HAVE NOT’s. Thus there was rapture in relationship between people. The first tanza of the Popular Kannada hymn - Preethisu nee maanava – goes like this – Kannige kaanuva narana preethisade, kaanada aa devara nee hege preethisuve? – If you cannot love fellow human whom you can see, how can you love God who is invisible? This implies rapture in relatio...